
paper lapping machine

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 Paper packaging machine
    Application Introduction.

Paper packaging machine is used for automatic packaging of food, which is widely used in all kinds of snacks.

    Technics Characteristic

Stable packaging delivery and high efficiency
Servo control, high positioning accuracy and high efficiency
According to the needs, it is divided into color mark mode and fixed length mode

    Delixi Application Solution

This application uses the CHD-B070E series touch screen (1 set), CDC1 series standard PLC (1 set), CDS500 series servo drive (1 set), EM60 series inverter (1 set) produced by our company to realize the entire electrical system. The packaging solution has the characteristics of low cost, high efficiency and easy maintenance.

    Delixi Advantages

Adopt servo control position, high positioning accuracy and high efficiency
Manual / automatic control, automatic control is divided into: color mark mode, fixed length mode
The touch screen can set the production speed, paper feed length, etc. at will, and monitor various data in real time
With functions such as starting position judgment and paper feed protection
Support password lock function


Food machinery industry, food processing factory, etc

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