
BR brake unit

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Name : CDI-BR Energy-consumption Brake Unit

Type:BR brake unit


Introduction:Delixi Brake Unit is mainly designed to release the regenerated power during the speed adjustment of

  •  CDI-BR Energy-consumption Brake Unit
  •  CDI-BR Energy-consumption Brake Unit
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Delixi Brake Unit is mainly designed to release the regenerated power during the speed adjustment of the motor through the brake resistor. It effectively overcomes the disadvantages of low brake speed and small brake torque (≤20% rated torque) of conventional inverters, which makes it extremely suitable for quick brake situations.


     The brake unit is applicable to high rise elevators, escalators, coal mine cars and winches, hoisting equipments, oil field

pumping units, lifts, cranes, centrifuges and winding machines.

     product  Characteristics

♦ Improved short-circuit, overheat and over-current protection.

♦ A complete range of products with voltage from 220V to 690V.

♦ Set the brake-unit parameters on the host panel.

♦ Value adjustment for the multi-shift brake voltage valve, large brake torque,good braking effect.

♦ A variety of optional machine types, brake-unit parallel operation is available though the DC bus-bar without capacity limits.

♦Small size and space-saving

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