
VFD All-in-One Type

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Name :VFD All-in-One Type

Type:VFD All-in-One Type


Introduction:It has optimized open-loop vector control, V F control, stable performance, and optimized function

  • VFD All-in-One Type
  • VFD All-in-One Type
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    product description
It has optimized open-loop vector control, V / F control, stable performance, and optimized functions. It retains the common configuration of users, adopts a rectifier module, 3 inverter modules, and a PLC logic control board.The combination method is more cost-effective. It is a flexible single-phase low-power model.
1. High degree of integration: The product is composed of a rectifier module, 3 inverter modules and PLC logic control board, which is equivalent to 3 inverters and a PLC.
2. High cost performance: simplify function configuration, increase PLC logic board, and save customer's cost.
3. Sophisticated structure and easy installation: the modular structure is adopted, which is beautiful and exquisite, and trackway mounting is adopted.
4. Compatible with hole installation, and can be flexibly configured according to user requirements.
     Application scenario

It is mainly used in low-power applications that require certain input and output functions and do not require closed-loop vector control. Packaging machine, mirror grinding machine, die cutting machine, engraving machinery, textile machinery, glass machinery, printing and dyeing machinery, etc.

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