
Specialized VFD For Vehicle Air-conditioner Compressor

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Name :Specialized VFD For Vehicle Air-conditioner Compressor

Type:Specialized VFD For Vehicle Air-conditioner Compressor


Introduction:VFC-D series driver is a product specially developed for new energy vehicles, which can be widely us

  • Specialized VFD For Vehicle Air-conditioner Compressor
  • Specialized VFD For Vehicle Air-conditioner Compressor
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      product description
VFC-D series driver is a product specially developed for new energy vehicles, which can be widely used in pure electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles.
1. Built-in special program, it can take asynchronous motor or synchronous motor.
2. With neat appearance, small size and light weight
3. Wide range of power supply voltage, available for DC 300V-800V
4. With anti-reverse connection function, when the DC power supply is reversed, the driver will not work.
 New energy electric vehicles.

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